Country Branding
An interesting post on the importance of country branding is at this link.
Some of you may go on in careers in international business from your country's home base. And in such instances, it is important to measure the market and just as importantly how your company and where you originate from is "pre-measured" by the market. Overcoming these stereotypes will increasingly become important for economies--it is not just building the product or service--nearly anyone can do that. It is changing people's minds about your country that will become increasingly important.
Your comment on this country branding issue has been a very critical issue to Korea in this/previous centuries due to its contradictorial status in history and character in Korean. As an outsider to the mainstream Korean society in some sense, I think that only the time of an unification of two Koreas can be a starting point to upgrade the Korea brand. It is very sad, but seems no way!.
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